Becoming a therapist
Ever since I was little, I knew I wanted to find a career path that would make a difference in people’s lives.
I remember at age 17 filling out my college forms looking out over the family farm in Ireland and deciding that I wanted to travel and explore to try to figure out what that path would be for me.
Being pragmatic I picked a technology-related undergrad hoping that it would allow me more flexibility.
During my first career in technology, I spent as much time as I could traveling and hanging out taking workshops at Esalen in Bug Sur.
After a lot of soul-searching and personal work, I started my master's in Integral Counselling Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies in 2012.
I wrote a personal story about grief and loss for the BAGI website, which you can find here.

In addition to a couple of master's programs and undergrad, I am also certified as a shamanic counselor, a depth hypnosis practitioner, and a dream ambassador.
My education includes an M.A. in Integral Counseling Psychology from CIIS (California Institute of Integral Studies), an M.B.A. from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, and an undergraduate degree in Computer Science.
I am EMDR Trained and listed on the EMDR International Association website.
Along with yoga, dreams, and dreamwork have been a constant throughout my life. I do dreamwork with many of my clients and even if you don't remember any recent dreams we can work on that as well.
I have graduated from the Robert Moss dream teacher level 3 program and I am a and a regional teacher in his School of Active Dreaming. I find his writings and teaching on dreams very rich and practical for everyday life.
I am a founding member of the Sonoma Therapy Collective:
​I am a longtime active member of the Bay Area Gestalt Institute (BAGI). ​
Other certifications I hold are:
All of the above are from the Sacred Stream in Berkeley.